Specialist, Packaging Pharmaceutical Manufactuirng/ 注射剤製造オペレーター(包装)(契約社員)
業務内容 |
職務内容 医薬品(注射剤)包装業務 - 上記製造業務に付帯関連する業務(日々の業務報告・トラブル対応・準備・片付け・清掃・改善活動など) ※業務具体例※ 包装機器の操作およびマニュアルでの包装作業 包装機器及び包装室の5S(整理/整頓/清掃/清潔/躾)活動 製造にかかわるドキュメントの制改訂などのパソコン業務 |
雇用形態 | 契約社員 |
応募資格 |
<学歴> 高卒以上 <実務経験> 医薬品・化粧品・食品などの検査・包装業務の経験者歓迎 未経験の方でも、丁寧にトレーニングを実施します。 <スキル・資格> 機械装置の基本的な理解と機器の作動原理が理解できる能力。 減算、乗算、除算、比率、およびパーセンテージを理解する数学的能力。 電卓およびPC(Excel、Word、PowerPoint)を使う能力。 製造に関する文書および製造指図記録書を含む口頭および書面の両方の指示に従う能力。 データおよびバッチ情報を正確に記録する能力。 単独で行う作業とチームで行う作業の両方で働く能力。 製造に関する文書を理解し、結果を文書化するために、日本語の読み書きに精通している。 医薬品の包装設備を運転する能力。 医薬品の包装作業者として、規則を守り適切に報連相ができる方 求める人物像 医薬品製造という観点で、手順を遵守し丁寧に作業できる方 意欲的・積極的に学ぶ姿勢をお持ちの方 ※チームでの活動が多いこと、幅広い年齢層のメンバーで構成されていることから、コミュニーション能力や協調性を重視いたします。 |
英語力 | 問わない |
年収 | 300万 〜 万円 |
給与詳細 |
月額(基本給):197,000円~ <昇給有無>有 <残業手当>有 <給与補足> ※給与はキャリア・能力等を考慮の上、当社規程により決定 ・昇給年1回 ・賞与年2回 |
勤務地 | 山口県 |
備考 |
unwavering in our commitment to patients. With the patient at the center of everything we do, we continue to innovate and drive changes that will better their lives - we’re looking for like-minded professionals to join us. global industry leader –we are united by our four priorities (Patients, Trust, Reputation, and Business) and our shared values of ism: Integrity, Fairness, Honesty, and Perseverance. ism is more than just a word. It’s a belief and a mindset which guides our decisions, behaviors, and interactions. It’s how we strive to work and live, every day. |
ACCOUNTABILITIES Serve as the Platform Operations Manager. Ensure service delivery teams use approved GDD&T tools and methods when delivering services to customers. Influence the existing complex landscape and solutions by innovating, redefining and simplifying process and technology designs, propose and execute solutions to identified highly complex IT pr Ensure service delivery teams use approved GDD&T tools and methods when delivering services to customers.oblems or process driven agile approaches. Drive the Platform Operations by creating, monitoring and adapting the processes and metrics for the products and platform. Owns the processes around Platform support, including monitoring and alerting, as well as escalation and post-mortem processes. Owns the 24x7 platform operations management and relationship with ICC/ICS and operations outsourced provider. Support the platform team to Introduce new capabilities, delivering business outcomes, in terms of speed to value and mean time to repair as well as client satisfaction. Ensure advanced capabilities are in steady operation, using scripted infrastructure and automation techniques. This will require collaborate with existing teams who currently manage our deployments to maintain a proper production system. Work independently on tough problems with other team members and independently solve, with some guidance, very difficult technology problems. Demonstrates advanced tooling and techniques to other technical organizations throughout the company. CORE ELEMENTS RELATED TO THIS ROLE Provision, manage and maintain the infrastructure that supports plaform and the customers. Identify and execute improvement actions for platform operations, including championing exploration and incubation of advanced technologies. Track, manage, and communicate platform operations performance. DIMENSIONS AND ASPECTS Technical/Functional (Line) Expertise Work independently on highly complex problems with other team members and independently solving, with some guidance, very difficult technology problems. Demonstrates advanced infrastructure tooling and techniques to others across the rest of IT. Demonstrated in depth knowledge of key patterns and industry awareness of trends in the bio/pharma industry with a specific focus on Patform operations. Leadership Ability to manage direct reports and influence ICC/ICS and 3rd party providers to deliver at appropriate levels of quality, response times, stability and agility. Ability to manage and influence the general platform community across to a modern ecosystem. Align and Drive agile and platform driven operations groups to a better end-state. Decision-making and Autonomy Ability to drive our third-party support teams to maintain a stable analytics ecosystem. It will require the need to make tactical decision when needed to our operational environments. Ability to work through/complex and propose proper technology choices. Independently manage day to day operational issues while knowing when to escalate more critical problems or decisions in the environment. Interaction Interact with and influence cross functional team members, including Platform teams, Functional Leads, Business Partners, Product Owners and others. Coordinate and oversee plafform architecture, engineering and delivery teams at a technical level and coordinate different technical aspects across the ecosystem. Align with Enterprise Architecture, Platform Team and Quality Teams to make sure services co-exist with other best practices and deployments. Complexity Ability to distill complex operational feedback into actionable strategies, implementations and stable deployments. Ability to have an agile time-based delivery team operate within a traditional project and waterfall-based funding and approval cycles. Drive complex deployments to implementation and deployment. Many of these solutions are difficult to make stable at scale.
- 900万〜1300万
- 東京都
- 医薬品メーカー(先発医薬品)
【職務内容】 工場において、医薬品の品質管理及び品質保証業務における以下業務を担うリードもしくは担当者です。 ・ショップフロアQA(現場作業を直接監視・監督) ・バッチレコードを含む書類の照査 ・逸脱調査 ・出荷判定 ・バリデーション ・変更管理 ・試験記録のレビュー など 業務範囲は、光工場の生産部門及び試験部門であり、対象製品は原薬/固形製剤、麻薬製剤などがありますので、適性と経験を考慮します。 【キャリアの展望】 この業務を経験されると、国内外の医薬品に関する品質保証業務全般の知識スキルを習得する事が出来ます。また、製薬品質保証室には、原薬、固形製剤、無菌製剤、ワクチンを担当するグループもあり、品質保証室内のローテーションにより幅広い剤型に対する品質保証エキスパートになれる機会が得られます。
- 500万〜1300万
- 山口県
- 医薬品メーカー(先発医薬品)
【職務内容】 医薬品製造設備や工場建屋の新設工事ならびに改良工事における、クオリフィケーション業務を担当します。 担当工事のクオリフィケーション責任者として、医薬品製造設備、重要なシステム(ユーティリティ)や施設を検査し、適切な仕様を満たしているかを評価します。 ・以下の主な業務に従事いただきます。 プロトコール作成 クオリフィケーション作業の調整 クオリフィケーションの実施 クオリフィケーション報告書の作成 上記業務を実行するにあたり、製造部門、エンジニアリング部門、品質管理部門が日々連携して業務を行います。
- 500万〜1300万
- 山口県
- 医薬品メーカー(先発医薬品)
OBJECTIVES/PURPOSE Coordinating the engineering activities of about 1000 Oku Yen investment at the Osaka Site, Japan, to implement an end to end manufacturing facility for Plasma Derived Therapy products including Drug Substance (DS), Drug Products (DP), Inspection and Packaging (I&P) and a Cold warehouse. ACCOUNTABILITIES Develop and manage project budgets, ensuring that all expenditures are in accordance with approved budgets. Manage project risks, ensuring that risks are identified, assessed, and mitigated in a timely manner Provide regular project status updates to senior management and other stakeholders. Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, guidelines, and policies. Provide regular management up-dates and act as an enabler for individual project teams. Use project management methodologies and skills to manage the capital project across organizational boundaries and is responsible for its successful delivery. Ensures the project is conducted at the highest quality, within time and budget, and that the risk level and stakeholder expectations are managed. Ensures adherence to the GMS GOP - Planning and Execution of Capital Investment Projects Coordinates and supervises project execution related activities, from initiation to close out and successful hand-over. Leads a cross functional team of internal and external specialists. Responsible for meeting project scope requirements, schedule requirements, and costs. Interfaces with major projects/initiatives at the specific plant. Transfers best practices across functions and business units as well as other sites. Ensures compatibility and consistency with the existing organization and industry standards (PMM, cGMP, GEP, etc.) Coordinates with all stakeholders, facilitates problem solving sessions and or other planning sessions, and makes adjustments to the project in alignment with the overall business strategy. Responsible for the adequate utilization of all quality systems as defined by Procedures within the project organization. Ensures appropriate safety measures are taken to prevent injuries and minimizes safety risks. Ensures readiness for inspections together with quality organizations. Ensures compliance with rules and regulations of procurement and accounting.
- 1300万〜1700万
- 大阪府
- 医薬品メーカー(先発医薬品)