業務内容 |
Job Overview Project Leads are an integral part of clinical trial delivery, liaising with clinical teams to improve patients’ lives by bringing new drugs to the market faster. The Project Lead is an essential member of the core project team responsible for project delivery of clinical studies to meet contractual requirements in accordance with SOPs, policies and practices. Clinical Project Management is focused on project delivery, productivity and quality resulting in strong financial performance and customer satisfaction. Clinical Project leads can run their own studies. The Project Lead focus is on leveraging therapeutic expertise and our suite of solutions to drive operational excellence and strategic leadership with our customers Essential Functions • Participate in bid defense presentations in partnership with Business Development and may lead the presentation for smaller, less complex regional studies. • May be responsible for delivery and management of smaller, less complex, regional studies. • Develop integrated study management plans with the core project team. • Accountable for the execution of clinical studies, or assigned portion of clinical studies, per contract while optimizing speed, quality and cost of delivery and ensuring consistent use of study tools and training materials and compliance with standard processes, policies and procedures. • Set objectives of the core project team and/or sub-team(s) according to agreed upon contract, strategy and approach, effectively communicate and assess performance. • Collaborate with other functional groups within the company where necessary to support milestone achievement and to manage study issues and obstacles. • Monitor progress against contract and prepare/present project and/or sub-team information proactively to stakeholders internally and externally. • Manage risk (positive and negative) and contingencies proactively and lead problem solving and resolution efforts. • Achieve project quality by identifying quality risks and issues, responding to issues raised by project team and/or sub-team members and planning/implementing appropriate corrective and preventative action plans. • May serve as primary or backup project contact with customer and would then own the relationship with the project’s key customer contacts, as well as communicate/collaborate with our business development representatives, as necessary.; • Build the cross-functional project team and lead their efforts; responsible for managing cross-collaboration of the core team and for overall project delivery to support milestone achievement and to manage study issues and obstacles.; • Ensure the financial success of the project. • Forecast and identify opportunities to accelerate activities to bring revenue forward. • Identify changes in scope and manage change control process as necessary. • Identify lessons learned and implement best practices. • May be assigned as the primary contact for vendors leading project vendor management and vendor management related activities as per project requirements.; • Adopt corporate initiatives and changes and serve as a change advocate when necessary. • Provide input to line managers of their project team members’ performance relative to project tasks. • Support staff development and mentor less experienced project team members on assigned projects to support their professional development.; |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
応募資格 |
Qualifications • Bachelor's Degree Life sciences or related field Req • Requires greater than 5 years of prior relevant experience including > 1 years project management experience or equivalent combination of education, training and experience. • Requires advanced knowledge of job area, and broad knowledge of a other related job areas, typically obtained through advanced education combined with experience.; • Knowledge of clinical trials - Knowledge of clinical trial conduct, and skill in applying applicable clinical research regulatory requirements i.e. ICH GCP and relevant local laws, regulations and guidelines, towards clinical trial conduct. Broad protocol knowledge; therapeutic knowledge desired. Good understanding of the competitive environment and how to communicate/demonstrate value through our solutions.; • Communication - Strong written and verbal communication skills including good command of English language. Strong presentation skills. • Problem solving - Strong problem solving skills. • Leadership - Ability to work through others to deliver results to the appropriate quality and timeline metrics, monitoring/managing performance and providing feedback, experience productively partnering cross functionally and with customers to advance work effectively and efficiently. • Leadership - Ability to make decisions, bringing clarity to disparate information to inform actions and drive results. • Organisation - Planning, time management and prioritization skills. Ability to organize resources needed to accomplish tasks, set objectives and provide clear direction to others, experience planning activities in advance and taking account of possible changing circumstances. • Prioritisation - Ability to handle conflicting priorities. • Quality - Attention to detail and accuracy in work. Results-oriented approach to work towards delivery and output. • Quality - Demonstrated learning agility and openness to learning and keeping own knowledge and skill set current and evolving. • IT skills - Good software and computer skills, including MS Office applications including but not limited to Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. • Collaboration - Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers and clients. Strong customer service skills. • Cross-collaboration - Ability to work across geographies displaying high awareness and understanding of cultural differences. • Finances - Good understanding of project financials including experience managing, contractual obligations and implications. • Core Competencies - Ability to demonstrate all our competencies (Client Focus, Collaboration, Communication, innovation, Ownership). |
英語力 | ビジネスレベル |
年収 | 700万 〜 1200万円 |
給与詳細 |
月額基本給:318,000円~454,000円 時間外・休日勤務割増賃金支給 ※経験・能力・資格等考慮し、弊社規程に則して決定します 想定年収:700万~1200万円 |
勤務地 | 東京都 |
備考 |
Efficiently manage and successfully execute all aspects of global project start-up; Perform quality checks on submission documents and site essential documents; Prepare and approve informed consent forms; Review pertinent regulations to develop proactive solutions to start-up issues and challenges; Present during bid defenses, general capabilities meetings, and audits.
- 780万〜1300万
- 大阪府
Line management of Clinical Research Associates (CRAs); Recruitment, initial and continued training and development of CRAs; Oversight and Management of CRAs to ensure CRAs are meeting expectations of core monitoring responsibilities; Tracking and management of CRA resourcing/allocation of assignment; and Manage turnover and retention of CRAs to meet company objectives
- 780万〜1300万
- 大阪府
職務内容 製薬メーカーの治験を早期に終了し1日でも早く医薬品を上市させるため、様々なサービスの企画提案・実行を行うことで、新薬開発の効率化を支援します。 【担当業務】 1)受託プロジェクトの推進 ・治験の評価に必要な対象患者数を、よりスピーディーに、より低価格で確保するために、メディアならびに、グループメディアをフル活用した企画立案、実行 ・クライアントとのコミュニケーションを通じてクライアントニーズを的確に把握し、プロジェクトを運営 ・プロジェクトの進捗管理,分析,結果報告(コールセンタースタッフのマネジメント含む) ・受託した治験案件のプロジェクトマネジメントを通じたQCD(Quality,Cost,Delivery)コントロール 2)既存サービスのオペレーションの見直し、業務効率化の推進 3)クライアントニーズに応じた既存サービスのカスタマイズ、新規サービスの開発 職務の魅力、やりがい ◆成長 ・会員(60万人)ならびにグループメディア会員(300万人)へ対するプロモーションの企画実行を通じた、実践的なDBマーケティングの戦略思考およびPDCAスキル ・プロジェクト推進を通じたKGI、KPIを達成するための問題発見、問題解決スキル ・経営陣との新規事業や新サービスの立上を通じた企画、運用、マネジメントスキル ・クライアントへの結果報告を通したプレゼンテーションスキル ・複数プロジェクトを同時並行で担当することによるマルチタスクスキル ◆やりがい ・臨床試験をサポートすることにより、新薬開発に貢献している日々を直に実感 ・リクルートメントプランの企画立案から受託案件のプロジェクトマネジメントまで一貫して自身でリード ・業界最大規模の会員数を活用したマーケティング業務 育成プロセス ・入社当初は受託案件のプロジェクト推進を中心に、OJTや研修動画を利用し、医療/臨床開発の知識、及び自社サービスについて、学んでいただきます。 ・2~4ヶ月程度を目安に、ご自身でプロジェクトを担当いただき、メンバーサポートの元でプロジェクトのマネジメントを行っていただきます。 最終的には、社内外の関係者との合意形成を含め、プロジェクト推進全般を担当いただきます。 ・クライアントからサービス提案の引き合いがあった案件に対して、営業企画担当者と連携して、リクルートメントプランの企画作成に参加いただきます。 ※上記はモデルケースであり、現状とご希望に沿って、入社後に担当業務を相談 従事すべき業務の変更の範囲 適性に応じて、会社の指示する業務への異動を命じることがある。
- 450万〜700万
- 東京都
- ヘルステック
CRAの直属の上司として、CRAのピープルマネジメント及び、医薬品の臨床開発において以下の重要な役割を担って頂きます: ■CRAを期待されるレベルに到達させるため、適応となるSOP、規制要件及びガイドラインの教育を行い、プロジェクトの品質を向上させる。 ■医療機関への同行及びモニタリング報告書のレビューにより、CRAのパフォーマンス評価並びに指導を行う。 ■CRAの実施医療機関に対する業務計画及び実行状況について、決められたタイムライン通りに実施出来ていることを監督する。 ■医療機関で発生した重要な問題の解決、是正措置及び予防措置の構築をサポートする。 ■CRAの目標設定及び中長期的なキャリア開発をサポートする。 ■状況報告のため、海外及び日本の治験依頼者との定期的なテレカンファレンス実施する。 【特徴】 取引先:大手外資系製薬メーカー 領域:オンコロジー領域、再生医療など最先端分野 実施試験:全てグローバル試験 監督するCRA数:最大12名
- 700万〜900万
- 東京都